Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Inside hobbies.

I spoke too soon about the weather.It is wet and miserable today so very inducive to more tapestry. This time "Clematis" which is lovely to work. In between I am making patchwork quilts with some lovely fabrics a friend gave me from a collection she had whilst a decorator. I am always very pleased with them (even though I do them the quick way) because it is the fabric that makes them so pretty and unique. They do well as auction and raffle items for my grand childrens' school.

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Monday, August 15, 2011

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The chicken family and friend

Winter is coming to an end with some lovely sunny days in between chilly frosts. It is wonderful to see the buds on the trees and blossom ready to burst open. I have been photographing today all my hens for a little book I have written for my grandchildren. Each of my hens has a personality, they have names and they have had checkered backgounds. They live in a chic
house with Flopsy, my granddaughter, Constance's rabbit who thinks he is a hen because he sleeps at night on a perch with his friends!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tapesty fetish

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Winter Again 2011

I have been "off the air" for twelve months now and I am quite ashamed of myself. It was a busy time having parents go into care, selling their house which takes a lot of time and being available for them to settle into their new life. It has worked out well so I am back to blogging.
Today it is actually snowing which does not happen very often in the Southern Highland of NSW but it looks beautiful, especially enjoying it from a warm room!.It is a great day for getting on with another tapestry which I love to do, but have way too many. Elizabeth Bradley continues to bring out new designs which I fined hard to resisit. Still, there is always someone I can give one to.